What is this business attractiveness

Guaranteed demand

Guaranteed demand - This is a consequence of the obligation to increase the participation in the overall energy balance of biomass energy.

  1. The continuing devastation and environmental degradation, concerns about the depletion of fuel resources fossil fuels, causing interest in alternative energy sources. Increasingly popular in European countries enjoy energy crops which are the raw material for production fuel with zero carbon balance.
  2. New European Union legislation in the field of climate and energy policy overlap Member States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while increasing the share of renewable energy in the general energy balance. In accordance with the commitments made in Poland share of this energy consumption is expected to be primary in 2010, 7.5% and 15% in 2020. Given that the current figure is about 4.5% this represents a major challenge. It must be remembered that if fail to reach a particular level in these undertakings, Poland will have to buy so-called. green certificates from countries having a surplus of renewable energy production. It would be a situation the more paradoxical that our country has really great potential energy in agriculture due to the fact that one hand, we have relatively low energy requirements, on the other And we are the third country in the EU after France and Germany in terms of the size of arable land resources.
  3. In this situation, the Polish government determined by the pursuit imposed on our country commitments to increase the share of renewable energy sources / renewable sources / energy in overall energy consumption and steady increase in energy derived from energy plantations, has decided to financial support for investments to achieve its objectives.
  4. GAIN sources of funding This, depending on the size and nature of the project: Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, 16 regional operational programs Sector Program and Rural Development. Whatever that commercial banks offer loans on preferential terms the establishment of crops. Also, the National Fund Environmental Protection and Water Management provides preferential loans, Eco Fund and the special grants for entrepreneurs interested in such projects.
  5. It follows that no concerns that the production of raw materials, energy crops are not will be in demand because it is guaranteed. The problem is close to zero supply, which seems to effect an unsuccessful campaign a few years ago, which is promoting the cultivation of etc. willow , did not realize the potential growers that it is cost-effective production, profits, however, postponed in time. Farmers unprepared for the new crop, without knowing skills, technology and usprzętowienia expect that they will do fast on small business areałach, producing mainly seedlings, as they consider the most profitable business. Meanwhile, the cultivation of willow This profitable business for people with large enough resources land, who want to invest today and wait for a guaranteed, stable for at least 20 years gains that arise in the third year after plantation establishment.

Implementing the idea

The idea for a profitable and stable business - diversification out of business.

Interested growing willow should be not only farmers, but also businesses unrelated to agriculture, for which he may be an attractive form of diversification out of business. The more attractive, that does not accumulate and do not absorb the cost of time an investor, especially since the company Maciej Specylaka - Specmot, specializes in such plantations in order, starting from the assumptions, the implementation of planting of crops, harvesting, after the warranty purchase contracted gas. Willow plantation is very secure, long-term investment, generating profits for a period of many years. You could say that the investor will provide retirement, growing faster and more comfortable than in any investment fund.

Where do you get the money?

The idea for a profitable and stable business - diversification out of business.

At the stage of plantation establishment:

BGZ Bank grants special preferential credit - 2% interest per annum on energy plantations.

After the start of production from 1 ha:

The EU area payments in the amount of 416 zł (2007 figures).
The average income of the plantation is about 2 500 zł / year, obtained as early as 3 years of plantation establishment.
Possibility to use up to 300 tons of sludge, for which the treatment received pay from 70 to 150 zł per tonne.

Offer cooperation

Our company is service willow plantations . We offer our clients a comprehensive service - from preparation through planting fields, supervision cultivation, harvesting, and contracting for the whole of the resulting biomass.

And for growers who we would like to see in the cultivation of willow We - the sale of seedlings of very large increments, with 100% guarantee for the party, to provide cultivation technology and harvesting, agronomic advice, monitoring of plantations and the guarantee Sales yield of raw material.

Truths and myths about energy willow


  • Quick income
  • The best earnings on the cuttings
  • Each seedling is good - the best cheap
  • Willow grows anywhere, anytime
  • Cost-effective on a small area of cultivation - to get their own fuel
  • Maintenance-free plantation


  • Stable and secure business, but not fast. Revenue appear after 3 years from start to grow
  • Willow can grow in almost any environment, but that requires knowledge and experience in the establishment of plantations to be reckoned with different increments of biomass
  • Proper care and the establishment of plantations in the first year is 80% of investment success
  • There is no selective measures to combat weeds in the willow, so only the supervision of consultants with many years of practice in the cultivation of this plant ensures effective protection of plantation
  • Plantation brings a steady, reliable income for over 20 years, since the two years since the foundation does not require investment
  • Quietest possible businesses
  • Energy willow
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